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Platte River Academy

About PRA Kindergarten Prep

Mission and Vision

PRA Kindergarten Prep 

Encourages and equips students, one and two years prior to kindergarten (ages 2 1/2-6), for academic and social-emotional success using a content-rich, academic, well-defined, sequential curriculum. 

We offer a safe, orderly and caring environments with

small class sizes of 10 students or less per teacher. 

Our goals are to:

  • Create a community of creative and critical thinkers through academically-rich, experiential learning.

  • ​Assist Kindergarten Prep families with a Core Knowledge education.

  • Facilitate the cooperation of parents, teachers, and students. 

  • Create a learning environment that "feels like play" and  fosters growth in character, high academic achievement, and the love of learning.

  • Cultivate readiness for a rigorous Kindergarten programs.

What is Core Knowledge?

The Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence is a set of model guidelines describing fundamental competencies and specific knowledge that provide coherent foundations for later learning in kindergarten and beyond. 

The Preschool Sequence addresses physical, social, linguistic, and cognitive aspects of development. You can download an overview of major areas of skills and knowledge addressed in the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence.

With a strong focus on challenging but appropriate content, the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence outlines a cumulative and coherent progression of knowledge and skills in all developmental areas and builds a strong foundation
for kindergarten and beyond. 

At PRA, teachers and staff ensure developmentally appropriate practices related to both content and instruction, which are integrated with the curriculum. 
 Knowledge and skills for both three to four-year-olds (KPI) and four- to (up to) six-year-olds (KP2) include the following developmental areas: 
  • Movement & Coordination Autonomy & Social Skills
  • Work Habits Language & Literacy
  • Mathematics History & Geography
  • Science Visual Arts
  • Music 
The Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence is distinguished by its specificity. It identifies those experiences, skills and knowledge that should be offered to all young children.

Specificity is necessary as there is no evidence or guarantee that, in the course of early development, all children naturally and automatically acquire the specific knowledge and skills that provide the necessary foundation for future learning. 

Our program dovetails with the kindergarten programs at both PRA and other Core Knowledge schools. 
Preschool Enrollment Information

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